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My name is Nancy Matas. My husband Lucas and I were born and raised in the Coachella Valley and it was our desire to serve the Lord within the Hispanic community throughout the East Valley that brought us together.


I came to know our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ at the age of 16 after I attended a Bible teaching summer camp. It was at that camp where I learned for the first time ever that I would never be alone, that Jesus Christ had paid the heavy debt of my sins and that by accepting Him into my life I would allow the healing I needed to take place!!

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"  I John 3:1


I was hooked on Jesus Christ's love and I have since committed my life to sharing the very same gospel truth to those around me. My husband and I are so grateful to be a part of the ministry Tesoro Club has within the Hispanic community and to be a living testimony of the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lucas and Nancy have two girls Lydia and Naomi.


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